In the share this week:
2 lbs sweet potatoes
1 bag baby salad kale
1 bag arugula
1 bag spinach
1 bunch french breakfast radishes
1 mini romaine lettuce
2 sweet peppers
Thoughts from Farmer Anna:
This is the picture of a totally relaxed 11 year old hanging out in camp. With the kids on fall break this weekend, we decided to head down to Carter Caves State Park to camp Saturday and Sunday night. It can be tough to fit these little trips in, with market and harvest schedules still chugging along at this time of year - but it is so worth it! This campground was very nice, with lots of trees perfect for hammock hanging and lots of awesome people to hang out with. In fact, we had an incredible moment of serendipity when we pulled into camp to find that our neighbors were in fact CSA members of ours! What a small world :) Susan and Kurt helped us out in more than one way, since we had forgotten to bring matches or lighter for our fire AND our van battery died the following morning so they gave us a jump. Campgrounds often seem like such perfect little fleeting utopian communities. People are happy to help each other out, share their food and other resources, and everyone is a bit more relaxed and social than they are in their busy day-to-day lives.
While we were away yesterday, Carley held down the fort here at the farm and worked on harvesting many of the delicious veggies in this week's share. It feels amazing to have such wonderful employees, who have been around the farm long enough to feel comfortable working on their own for a day! This week's share is a big shift to lots of fall greens, along with sweet potatoes and radishes. It can be really tough to have nice fall spinach, but we were able to get some seeded at the end of August and now we have some beautiful stuff for you this week! The baby kale and arugula are also looking fabulous. I would probably make a big hearty salad with all three of these greens mixed (along with some of your mini romaine if you like!). This looks like a pretty yummy recipe if you are in need of salad inspiration:
The first sweet potatoes are coming your way this week! Many of you will have some favorite ways of preparing these tasty roots, but here's a soup recipe idea that includes kale (you could also use your spinach if you want to cook that):
Have a great week everyone!