In the share this week:
1 bunch beets
1 bunch salad turnips
1 bunch red radishes
1 fennel bulb
1 red napa cabbage
2-3 green peppers
1 bag salad mix

Thoughts from Farmer Anna:
The picture above probably doesn't look incredibly interesting, but I was pretty excited about it on Friday. We were trying to get four more beds into cover crops and it was looking too wet and cold to do our usual bed preparations. You can just broadcast seed onto a bed and get some germination, but it's usually not so great. Luckily, we have been getting regular deliveries of spent potting mix from a local microgreens grower and we've been stockpiling this material under a tarp to help digest some of the remnants of the microgreens. So, we decided to broadcast our seeds, but then cover then lightly with the potting mix. By utilizing the potting mix this way, it is provided the beds with more than one function - adding organic matter and lightening up our clay soil, plus acting as a germination boost for our cover crops. It's not earth shattering, but I thought it was nifty and a great way to use this resource. It's also a great no till strategy for those of you interested in this way of gardening.
The veggies in the share this week are a bit of a change up from what we've had the last couple of weeks. Our fall beets are looking fantastic, including the greens which you should definitely use! I love pairing beets with fennel and the recipe below included both and utilizes the beet greens in a chimichurri sauce:
Napa cabbage is back this week in a new color! These red napas aren't quite as big as some of the green ones from a few weeks ago, but they are pretty lovely. There are so many ways I like to use this vegetable, and one I don't think I've shared with you yet is fried rice. The cabbage sort of melts into the rice dish and binds everything together in a delicious way. You could also add your green peppers in this recipe:
One note about the green peppers - we are pulling all of our pepper plants, so you may get either green bells or green long italian peppers. Use these long peppers just like a regular green pepper. As for the rest of the share, just toss some radishes and turnips in with your salad mix! We are happy to finally be able to give you some salad mix in your shares this fall. Our fall lettuce has been a big disappointment this year for a variety of reasons (you never can completely understand these things!). The salad mix this week is coming out of our first hoophouse planting and looks wonderful, so I hope you enjoy! In other sad veggie news, our fall carrots are really not great. We are giving them a couple more weeks in the field and will put them in the last share of the year so that our 'B' half share members will get some.
That's it from me - hope you all have a great week!