In the share this week:
1 lb tomatoes
1 lb yellow onions
1 lb green beans
1 bag carrots
2 sweet long italian peppers
1 small garlic
4 banana peppers
Thoughts from Farmer Anna:
It has been a glorious couple of weeks to work outside. The weather has really been near perfect for this time of year. We are making good progress getting all the fall things planted and are starting to get caught up on weeding as well. It's been just a little dry over the last couple of weeks, but that is preferable to too much rain. Working on the farm in the fall feels like such a reward for making it through the brutal days of June and July. I know it's not actually fall yet, but my brain keep going there because we are already in the period of rapid shortening of day length. It's a race to get our fall crops planted at this time of year, because if we miss planting dates by even a few days it can mean that crop won't have time to reach maturity as the days continue to get shorter in the fall.
The share this week is full of classic summer crops and pretty similar to last week, but we'll soon start shifting to some new crops. A new planting of zucchini and summer squash, pie pumpkins and butternut squash are coming soon, along with our red onions, green onions, celeriac, cilantro, dill and kale. Turnips and radishes will reappear sometime in September, along with sugar snap peas and the return of lots of salad mix. The end of August seems to be the lowest point of production for our lettuces, but it looks like our newer plantings are healthier and we are hoping to have enough lettuce to start giving in shares again in a few weeks.
Here are a few recipe ideas for this week. If you've never roasted green beans, I would give it a try. Throwing carrots into the mix makes for a beautiful and delicious side dish!
And here is something you can do with your banana peppers and the long italian sweet peppers:
Have a good week everyone!