CSA Member Agreement 2025
We, Rains & Sun Hilltop Farm, wish to provide you with fresh, local, seasonal food and you, the member, wish to receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitments to that relationship.
Section 1. Introducing Our CSA Farm
A. Becoming a Part of Our Farm
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a relationship between our farm and you as our customer. Rather than simply purchasing food, our customers become “members” of this CSA farm who receive a portion of the farm’s harvest.
We offer several options for CSA shares to give our members as much choice as possible. Our full season runs for 22 weeks from May to November, with a two-week summer break in August. We will also offer a fall share from November to early December. You will receive 6-8 types of vegetables, depending on what's fresh that week. You can choose from weekly (full) or biweekly (half) shares. Shares are picked up from a designated pick-up site or one of our two farmers markets.
In addition to your vegetables, you'll receive a weekly newsletter with farm updates and recipe ideas.
B. Our Growing Practices
Rains & Sun Hilltop Farm is certified organic by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. We are absolutely committed to holistic growing practices in order to preserve the health of our soils, our vegetables, and the people that eat them. Our members are always welcome to visit the farm and see us in action, and we are happy to tell you more about our growing practices at any time.
C. The Products We Expect for 2025
The chart below outlines some of the fruits and vegetables we expect to deliver and when you may see them in your share. This chart is based on our best estimate, but of course weather, pests, and other events will affect actual production.
Expected Crops:
May to early June
Arugula, Asparagus, Mustard Greens, Radishes, Spinach, Lettuce, Salad Mix, Rhubarb, Turnips, Kale, Kohlrabi, Green Onions, leeks, sweet onions, Broccoli, Asian Greens, Herbs (cilantro, parsley), sugar snap peas
June to August
Summer Squash, Zucchini, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, Salad mix, Kale, Chard, Green beans, Fava beans, Onions (sweet, red, yellow), Garlic, Tomatoes (slicer, cherry, heirlooms), Cucumbers, Fennel, Herbs (basils, dill, cilantro, oregano), Eggplant, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers
September to November
Butternut Squash, Pie Pumpkins, Sugar Snap Peas, Cabbage, Celery, Salad Mix, Turnips, Radishes, Peppers, Tomatoes, Fennel, Kale, Chard, Kohlrabi, Carrots, Green Onions, Storage Onions, Mustard Greens, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Herbs (sage, cilantro, parsley)
Section 2. Our Shared Commitments
A. Sharing in the Risk of Crop Failure
We promise to do our best to provide you with bountiful shares. The quantity of produce, however, may vary due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining our CSA, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members. In the unlikely event of a crop failure, our procedure is as follows:
If only a small portion of crops fail, we compensate for the failed crops by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. If a large portion of crops fail (extremely unlikely), we may have very light shares for a number of weeks.
B. Sharing in the Reward of Crop Surplus
While we are primarily a CSA farm, we also sell at farmers markets. Although production is not segregated, our CSA receives priority. You’ll receive the first and best of our harvest. After filling our CSA share with the week’s harvest first, the remainder is sold to our other markets. When production of a particular crop is especially abundant, we’ll typically pack the extras as a bonus that you are free to take or leave.
Section 3. Share pick up
We are offer the option of share pick-up from several sites on designated days. If you choose pick-up, you are responsible for picking up your share each week (or biweekly) from the site you choose.
You are responsible for observing our pick-up site rules, which are as follows:
Bring your own bags and unload the vegetables from your crate into your bags, leaving the crate at the pick up site
Pick up your share within the time frame stated. Although we deliver high-quality produce to each site, it will decline quickly if not picked up in time.
Be respectful of pick-up site hosts’ property.
If you cannot pick-up your share, you must arrange for someone else to pick it up for you. You are responsible for explaining the pick-up location and procedures to your substitute. If you know you will be out of town and can give us at least one week notice, we may be able to have a share available for you on an alternate day. Shares that are not picked up within the time frame stated may be available for pick-up the following day, but you must contact us to let us know you’ll be picking up the following day. After that, unclaimed shares will be donated to the Parish Kitchen in Covington or sold at the farmers’ market.
We take the safety of your food seriously. We sanitize our harvest containers and our hands prior to each harvest. Vegetables are washed in cold water and then immediately refrigerated for peak quality. Our fertilization program uses only well-composted animal manure that is applied to fields several months before harvest as required by organic and federal food safety standards. For your added protection, wash all produce before eating.
Section 4. Share Descriptions and Fees
A. Share descriptions
We offer a single share size and you can choose to receive it weekly (full share) or biweekly (half) share. Default shares contain 6-8 items. You can choose from a traditional share, in which we select all of the items in your share, or a customizable share in which you'll have ability to swap items. Traditional and customizable shares will also have the opportunity to add additional items to your share throughout the season.
This year we will be taking a two one-week breaks from the CSA from June 30th - July 5th and August 18th - 23rd. Hopefully this will work well with your vacations, or cleaning out your fridge!
B. Member Fees
Traditional Share: Full share (weekly): $600
Half share (biweekly): $300
Customizable Share: Full share: $650
Half share: $325
Section 5. Refund and Cancellation Policy
We are committed to growing the best possible produce for you throughout the season and filling your shares with a nice variety of seasonal vegetables. CSA shares are a really great fit for folks who like to cook a lot and are willing to try new things. Our members are the foundation of our small farm and we do expect you to make a season-long commitment with us when you sign up for a share. However, we do recognize that sometimes a CSA share just isn't working out for someone. In those cases, we are certainly willing to cancel a share and issue a refund for the portion of the shares not yet received. Just email us at anna@rainsandsun.com for more information.