In the share this week:
1 lb mixed tomatoes
1 lb yellow onions
1 bag carrots
1 lb green beans
1 small garlic
2 bell peppers
2 italian long sweet peppers

Thoughts from Farmer Anna:
It's hard to believe that August is already half over. These last few weeks have whizzed by with really full days on the farm and working on getting the exterior bales of our house plastered. The kiddos are getting ready to head back to school tomorrow morning and we are welcoming the structure that will bring back to our days. On the farm, we are still getting lots of fall crops planted this week and will probably harvest our little pumpkins to cure in the greenhouse. Our yellow storage onions are cured and looking pretty beautiful, so we've been working on cleaning those up and getting them out of the greenhouse to make way for the pumpkins :) We are loving this milder weather this week! It's nice for all of our little veggie transplants too. The cooler mornings have me dreaming of the slow down that comes with fall.
We have more delicious sweet peppers this week! I really love these sweet long italian peppers that are in your shares this week. My plan for our Wednesday farm lunch is to make a fritatta with peppers and onions and tomato. Something a bit like this:
We have a new variety of beans in the shares this week. They are something between a traditional green bean and a bigger roma bean. The variety is called Magnum and they are pretty similar to Kentucky Wonder beans if you are familiar with that variety. They look beautiful and are supposed to have a wonderful flavor (we just started picking them so I haven't had a chance to taste them yet!). Maybe a simple preparation like this one below would be good this week. Let us know what you think of them!
I'm going to keep it short and sweet this week, since we've got so much going on. I hope you all are enjoying this glorious weather!